Thursday, March 12, 2015

Feedback time!

Hi everybody,

It is time for you guys to give me some feedback so I can improve the contents and activities we worked on Module 3. I want to say I had a great time working with you and I am sure we will see each other around.

Please take a minute to post responding to some (or all) of the statements below:

1. Something I learned in this module
2. Something I will apply in my present/future teaching situation
3. Something I would have liked to learn more about


  1. You did a great job man thanks a lot
    I like your classes and your style
    I learn how to be more creative using different tools and creating that lesson plan was awesome too,good tips to keep in mind and go pro.
    I would like to learn more about syllabus anyways pretty much i will apply everything to my class thanks again and good luck.

    1. Thanks for your comments Alberto. . That topic of syllabus is pretty complex but I am sure throwing a couple of more activities can be done. Thanks again. Keep studying and improving.

  2. Well willy what can I say, wait wait let me rephrase it what I have to or must say is that until today I never done and learn so much from a teacher for such a short period of time and the best part of all and that I liked the most was the practical and interaction part of the classes which in this case they were all.
    The experienced that I have gained is invaluable in the way that I have learned not just the theory part of teaching but also the approaches, advantages and disadvantages, lesson planning which is one of the critical parts of a teacher and the real virtue of interacting with students.
    Everything from the introduction to the end of the module was priceless and definitely I will apply for sure this in my present, near future and future prospects.
    What I would have liked to learn or to practice is that I wanted more of Willys ways of teaching and approaches, further information and practical knowledge on syllables and lesson planning as well as practical work on teaching students from the institute. I feel that it would have been excellent experience as much as for those without the teaching familiarity.
    I hope that from now on we get classes like yours.
    Best wishes to you Willy I appreciate everything you have done and let us do.

    Kind regards

    Mariano Ospina

    1. Hi Mariano,

      Your words are deeply appreciated. I think spaces like this course provide us with chances to meet other colleagues and learn from each other while revisiting topics that at the end are the corner stone of our craft. It is always great to share with a group of so motivated individuals. Thanks for everything.

  3. I have never enjoyed classes like yours. You are a terrific teacher, you did it great considering that you only had four classes to taught us two big chapters.
    I learned ABCD parts of an objective, I am going to use PPP methodology to design my lesson plan and I would have liked to learn more about how to use syllables as a guide.
    No matter thanks for your wonderful classes and I hope in near future I will be able to guide my classes as well as you do.

    1. Hi Orlando,

      Thanks for your feedback. It is great to have the chance to improve the things we do in everyday basis. I will definitely keep it in mind and I also hope we see each other soon.

      A big hug

  4. I really enjoyed and loved your classes! Something I learned: to plan my lessons in a much more efficient way; something I will apply to my teaching situation: to use communicative activities more often so as to improve my students' participation and finally, I would have liked to learn more about syllabus. Hope to see you around!
