Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Reasons to use supplementary material

Some teachers tend to think that adding supplementary materials can create chaos and mess during the class. But that is not true. Reasons that this kind of material actually provides variety and improves creativity of teachers as well as students are:

* to provide extra practice in grammar, vocabulary and 
* to provide extra practice in skills work.
* to add variety in lessons.
* to replace materials in the textbook that the teacher thinks is 
* to add something that seems to be missing from the textbook.
* to include more authentic material in lessons.

Read again pages 177 to 180 of chapter 11 in our textbook and describe briefly an activity you could do with realia, pictures or cards to support one of the reasons stated above.

P.S. This our last forum! I'm missing you already.


  1. The reson I choose: To provide extra practice in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. A free speaking activity such as: The Perfect Gift
    Ask students to bring to class a variety of inexpensive items. The number of objects should be twice the number of students, so 20 for a class of 10 students. Ask each student to take an object and place it on his/her desk. Now tell everyone to imagine that the object is a gift for another student in class. Who would they like to give it to? Why? Give them 6-7 minutes to think of their answers. Ask each student to tell the class about their gift, using the sentence pattern “I think this would be the perfect gift for _____, because ___________.” Allow the recipient to respond to the gift. Does the student like it? When it comes to using realia in the classroom the sky is the limit! The best part is that students will learn, have fun, but teachers will also enjoy their classes more.

    1. Good activity Laura! Realia in one of my favorites supplementary materials for classes. Students will always be receptive when your creativity motivates them to learn.

    2. I agree with Viviana, supplementary materials for class are awesome but we also need to be careful on how we use it and how often, I don't think all of students are as receptive to this kinds of activities as others may be. As long as we know how to use the resources its ok.

    3. It is a great activity and will keep students motivation and perception active, as well as interest and motive to learn

    4. That is an excellent idea!

  2. In order to provide extra practice in skills work and variety to the lessons what I would do with pictures is:
    Paste some pictures of people performing daily activities around the classroom so students will have to write a description of someone's daily routine, they can use all the activities the pictures represent or just some of them.(Students can come up with a name for that person)
    After checking what they wrote students will read their productions out loud.
    This to practice the simple present tense and work on writing and reading skills.

    1. Thats a great activity to do in class
      Using pictures or using objects in the same way can make a class go smoothly and everybody participates

    2. and with those related pictures they go into an extra dimension not just writing but imagination.

    3. Thats right
      Knowledge and cognitive

    4. I also think is a good idea, pictures are one of the best objects to bring into the classroom, they help to understand things better and as all of you are stating it does make students be more creative when it comes to producing texts, stories or even a simple sentence related to the image.

    5. Great idea Fabian. This activity is focusing more on real life tasks which I think is great for students to learn with rather than doing non real life task activities.

    6. I think your idea is really good because pictures are great for beginners, besides the topic fits as well. It is always better to work with pictures at beginning levels.

  3. Is good becuse it will give variety to the class, and also the extra practice is good, remember that practice makes perfect.

    1. yes hector i agree with you the practice makes perfect...

  4. I think having variety in a class is good, so students don't get board seing the same thing and wit these kind of activitys. students can participate more and use what they have learn in previous classes. have more confedence cause they won't see it as a class but as a game, game activitys are also good for the kids the don't interract or the are shy. for example the class we had yesterday with the dice it was a game but show how much we really learn...

    1. Yes Sidney. I am agree with you. That activity was a perfect example how a game can be a way to test your knowledge in a particular topic.

    2. I agree with you Sidney. Variety is always good, otherwise, students will not take any advantage of the class because, as you say, they will get bored.

  5. Said you have your class and your lesson plan prepare, then is also good to have extra matirial for the class, like flash cards, pictures, newspaper cuts or a poster to keep students more interested in class, it is also good to have a game to make the class exciting and have fun in it, this activities are for students of all ages and levels.

  6. for my activity if it is related with the new vocabulary they are learning, for example if im teaching the wh question with kind of music, tv show, movies they like/dont, it would be great to have pictures of each kind and they can choose what pictures belong to the words. so those pictures enhance the text, giving students an extra visual dimension to what they are reading.

    1. Thats a good activity to do in the whiteboard that way the students get to be more involve in leadership
      And work on pronuciation and spelling for basic students

  7. I would use realia
    students would get an object ( they coul be fruits or things) using spelling and right pronunciation and describing the objec
    In a way that the student speak more than the teacher

  8. In order to provide extra practice in grammar, I suggest this activity with pictures called: “What’s wrong with this picture?” This is a great way to practice modals like should, shouldn’t, must, or mustn’t. Take a few pictures of objects or things around the house in places where you wouldn’t ordinarily find them. For example, shoes in the fridge, a pizza on a pillow, a stack of magazines in the bathtub. First, ask students what is wrong with each picture and then to tell you where this item should be: The shoes shouldn’t be in the fridge. They should be in the closet. You mustn’t eat pizza in the bedroom. You should eat it at the table. You can have a lot of fun with this activity and at the same time, the learning process of modals is improved in a graphic way.

    1. This activity reminds me the short videos of Davivienda. Do you remember? "Tu dinero puede estar en el lugar equivocado" Well it sounds great. Maybe I would use the short videos of Davivienda for praticing modal verbs. Good idea!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. For my activity I would have the students bring in an object and do a show and tell. Then after everyone talks about their item they would have to switch objects and create a story to tell about it

    1. I really like this idea as well. The whole show and tell brings me back to when I was a little girl. It's a very interesting activity because with the object that the students bring from home can tell a lot from that person. And then having them create a story from their classmates objects helps them with their creativity.

  11. For my activity I would bring different objects to class, such as pictures, cardboards, books and I'll put them on the table in the middle of the room. I'll have them split in different groups and they will be assigned with an specific topic that is going to be explained by them to the rest of the class choosing at least 3 objects from the table. They can come up with an activity or an explanation, the point is giving the students total freedom and power to handle the class and develop the topic as they wish.

    1. I like that activity it gives students liberty which inspires creativity

    2. I couldn't agree more because when you give students the liberty to be creative you can see what they like and you could try to relate the class more on what students like to make it more catchy for them.

    3. That's a nice idea on how to use realia and pictures, but also giving students freedom and the chance to do it their way is great.
      With an activity like that they are going to feel like they have control of the class which gives them confidence but at the same time it allows them to be more creative like xavier mentioned.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Having a diversity of teaching strategies and interaction among students is vital; every little extra added to the class will be more than welcome by all. We have got to keep it actively and fun always which is the result of very good and excellent on-going progress.
    Teacher now days are more creative and flexible to the diversity of the students and evolving academic process.

    1. That's an important point, students get very interested when they don't know what the teacher is going to do in class, sometimes, teachers get monotonous and do always the same activities and follow the same routine. That's the importance of participating in this courses which hep us to refresh our methodologies and learn from our partners' experience.

  14. The activity i would do is with images. I would tell the students to bring any image that resembles some thing they like, then I would tell them to get into groups and make a short story each explaining what they like.

  15. to provide extra practice in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, I like to cut pictures of famous actors or singers from magazines and play guess who, students should ask questions about the characters using basic information questions and according to the answers they have to guess who is the character. then they take the pictures and write information about one of the characters taking into account the information provided in the questions.

  16. To provide extra activity in grammar (syntax) I would use cuisenaire rods with different colours and dimensions. Each one will be an article, a noun, an adjective, a verb, an adverb and so on. Thus, I ask to my students how to form a sentence using cuisenaire rods.

  17. * to provide extra practice in grammar, vocabulary and

    The activity that I’m going to choose is a free speaking exercise, called “Hot chair”
    The setting that I’ll have is two groups of students that are competing.
    On the board there will be pasted some cards with some information, every card has a message in past simple. (Or in any tense) the idea is that every group chooses a person to sit on the chair, and the group has to describe what the message is. (The idea of this free speaking exercise is that every person speaks, describing every word that they see and the person that is seating on the chair, has to guess the sentence).
    Here we can see that our students get motivated, and they will enjoy the activity a little more.

  18. OK. I love working with pictures, and I know my students too. But they like it when the images are interactive, so I have to swith to videos once in a while in order not to get them bored.

  19. So, with that idea, one of the activities I did with my 4th grade students was first watch a video related with a restaurant conversation, of course the topic was How much/many, There's/are and the vocabulary was all kind of food or meals, after watch the video couple times, students start to related the video vocabulary with the class vocabulary, then the Teacher shows three or four pictures of people in a restaurant having a conversation with the waiter, maybe ordering, maybe arguing because of the food him served, so students have to create a conversation according to one of the pictures, at least 2 lines per character, and finally they have to role play their conversation in class...

    1. I agree with your idea because I think images can be static they have to move because that makes a wide seesight of the situation and to develop skills of prediction, interaction shows some factors those perform a certain random of conclusions.

  20. I will bring some headlines and pictures from a newspaper, then students will have to make a new report using reported speech according to the images and headlines that I handed them out; after students will compare the original new from the newspaper with students created in class.

  21. I would use flash cards and would paste them on the wall. This words correspond to countable and uncountable nouns and them I would ask students to put the countable nouns at the right side and the uncountable nouns at the left side so that they could practice this concept. For me Realia or flashcards are very important elements to work with specially with beginners because you don't spend much time trying to describe something... you just show it and that´s it!
