Thursday, March 5, 2015

Team 2: Cesar, Xavier, Yaneth, Fabian and Huberto

Welcome team 2,
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to go through the following 4 steps individually (20 minutes), then your partner discuss the use of the different tools in EFL teaching (10 minutes) and finally present your ideas to the rest of the groups (10 minutes). As always, should you or any of your team be lost surfing the internet or caught visiting other webpages, the teacher will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck!!

Step 1
Go to the following link and listen for a while:
This is an example of podcasting. How do you think a teacher can use this tool with his/her students?

Step 2
Check the following online dictionary:
Take a look at the different dictionaries they have in there. How could a teacher maximize the use of a tool like this with his/her students?

Step 3
Check the following sites:

What kind of activities could teachers ask students to do here?

Step 4
Check the following two sites:

How appealing do you think students will find them?

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